About Ironside State School
Ironside State School ( Primary school ) is located at 2 Hawken Dr, St Lucia QLD 4067, Australia.
Other categories: Primary school
Ratings & Ranking
Ironside State School has a rating of 4.3 and is ranked number 204 in St Lucia.
- Academic Excellence:
Rated 3 out of 5
- School Culture & Environment:
Rated 3 out of 5
- Extracurricular Activities:
Rated 3 out of 5
- Facilities & Resources:
Rated 3 out of 5
- Parent & Community Engagement:
Rated 3 out of 5
Rated 4.3 out of 5
Overall Score
Address & Location
Ironside State School is located at 2 Hawken Dr, St Lucia QLD 4067, Australia.
Schools Fees
The annual school fees for Ironside State School in St Lucia will be updated shortly. For guidance, the annual public schools range between AUD $2000 and AUD $5000 per year while the fees in Catholic and independent (or ‘private’) schools range between AUD $4000 to AUD $20,000 per annum. Established private schools charge upwards of AUD $20,000+ per annum.
No vacancies found at the moment.
Admissions are currently open at Ironside State School.
Parents & Students Reviews:
Ironside State School has 96 reviews with an overall rating of 4.3. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.
Overall Rating : 4.3 out of 5.0 stars4.3
Mixed experience as a student then a parent. As a student, I am grateful for the experiences (e.g. musicals and Japan study trip) and the academic standards set for me at this school. I was proud to be part of the Ironside experience and wanted the same for my kids.
As a parent at the school from 2010 to 2018, we had a mixed bag of teachers, some who were suitably matched with my kids, others not so suitable. My kids have been glad to put Ironside behind them.
When considering the right school for your child, in my opinion I don’t think you should send your child here. Sure they do have a good music program and have adequate academics, but there are just better schools out there that can easily top this school. I used to be a former student at this school and realized as the years progressed that ironside is slowly getting worse in areas such as academics and the teachers there are kind of slack. For example, some teachers set homework that students should complete but the teachers barely ever care. And for the teachers who do care about homework and things like this, most of the times are sexist and discriminate people when they are doing nothing wrong. The student there are generally nice but majority of them misuses “Bring your own device” privileges and use Artificial Intelligence to cheat on their assignments. Overall, Ironside is somewhat a good school but there are so many other better schools out there.
Mr. Perrier and Ms Fairhall were the best teachers there by far, and it was a super chill school with a super chill OSCH foundation. The academia is super flexible and has extension programs for students stronger in respective subjects. There was also quite a lot of sports programs and it was a super good primary school I went to. Too bad I am stuck in the miserable prison of QASMT that gives literal depression.
Ironside is my primary school and it was great, my brother, Wesley who wrote the rhythm/ background music for the school song and has an award called the “Wesley Ding” award and this school has gotten me lots of memories, it’s great and I will visit next time. 6A- Neo 2023 Graduate
Its a pretty good school, but I feel like the staff hated our cohort. Like we had to give the 4-5s the new building while we had to squish into the old grade 4 classrooms. But other than that it was pretty decent.
-6F 2022 graduate
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