About Jim Tangeman Center (formerly Fir Grove)
Jim Tangeman Center (formerly Fir Grove) ( Public educational institution ) is located at 3200 E 18th St, Vancouver, WA 98661, United States. It is categorised as : .
Other categories: Public educational institution, Special education school
Ratings & Ranking
Jim Tangeman Center (formerly Fir Grove) has a rating of 4.2 and is ranked number 44312 in the US.
- Academic Excellence:
- School Culture & Environment:
- Extracurricular Activities:
- Facilities & Resources:
- Parent & Community Engagement:
Overall Score
Address & Location
Jim Tangeman Center (formerly Fir Grove) is located at 3200 E 18th St, Vancouver, WA 98661, United States.
Schools Fees
Given that it is categorised as , the school fees for Jim Tangeman Center (formerly Fir Grove) range between 0 USD and 0 USD.
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Admissions are currently open at Jim Tangeman Center (formerly Fir Grove).
Jim Tangeman Center (formerly Fir Grove) Proximity Zone:
The map below illustrates the average distance between Jim Tangeman Center (formerly Fir Grove) and student residential areas.
Parents & Students Reviews:
Jim Tangeman Center (formerly Fir Grove) has 6 reviews with an overall rating of 4.2. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.
The first thing we noticed with this school, is that they understand that they have students with sometimes violent and serious behavioral problems. They are very caring with our son and right away we found that they listened to how parenting our son at home worked. They quickly rewrote his IEP (individualized education plan) to include minor details, like allowing him small snacks, taking his shoes off, having a hiding place and so many little incremental changes they allowed us to change in his IEP that really allowed him to be successful. He is in 4th grade now.
I can’t really express how much I like his school. The staff listen; the staff are patient; the staff are professional. They see through the violence and cussing fits he has and love him for who he really is. I wish they had a playground, I wish that they weren’t this secret little school for last chance kids like mine. I wish they got better funding and more well trained staff. My sons teacher is amazing but not formally trained. We have to sign waivers to allow his teacher to be his teacher because they have issues with finding qualified staff, probably because of their budget. I know that occasionally we provide the school with different things, like snacks for his classmates and a fan for him to stay cool because the teachers have to buy those things out of pocket. I wish all schools were better funded.
I’m m glad this school is here. We don’t know what we would do without them. And as far as the physical restraining goes, they don’t use any mechanical restraints, it’s all staff holding the student, and only when it’s vital. Mostly, they patiently clear out the classroom and let the student calm down and then get back to business. My son through a chair through a big window once… Most schools would have expelled a student for that, Firgrove gave him suspension for a couple days and we tried again. Time and time again they show patience and understanding for my whole family. They provided us with emergency gift cards when I lost my housing and never judged out family. They aren’t perfect, they have made some mistakes along my sons journey, but they always listen and take our concerns to heart. We owe them many thanks..