Jubilee Wells Branch, Austin | Fees, Rankings, Address, Admission, Vacancies, Reviews & More

Jubilee Wells Branch (High school) is in Austin and has a 2.9 rating.

About Jubilee Wells Branch

Jubilee Wells Branch ( High school ) is located at 3711 Shoreline Dr, Austin, TX 78728, United States. It is categorised as : .
Other categories: High school, Elementary school, Middle school, Preschool, School

Ratings & Ranking

Jubilee Wells Branch has a rating of 2.9 and is ranked number 11490 in the US.

  • Academic Excellence:
  • School Culture & Environment:
  • Extracurricular Activities:
  • Facilities & Resources:
  • Parent & Community Engagement:


Overall Score

Address & Location

Jubilee Wells Branch is located at 3711 Shoreline Dr, Austin, TX 78728, United States.

Schools Fees

Given that it is categorised as , the school fees for Jubilee Wells Branch range between 0 USD and 0 USD.


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Admissions are currently open at Jubilee Wells Branch.

Jubilee Wells Branch Proximity Zone:

The map below illustrates the average distance between Jubilee Wells Branch and student residential areas.

Parents & Students Reviews:

Jubilee Wells Branch has 37 reviews with an overall rating of 2.9. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.

Overall Rating : 2.9 out of 5.0 stars
I had the same experience with my child as Mrs. McGill. Teacher leaving with no parental notice. No notices of a new sub or the permanent teacher once they got one well after the first teacher left. My child loved the smaller campus. He begs to be home schooled now. He complains of classroom bore dome and bullying. I loved when he first got accepted into this school because I know they review each child’s disciplinary report coming in from other schools to hopefully lessen and/or eliminate bullying or disruptive behavior he has complained about in other schools. One day we got called to pick him up because he got knocked down and hit his head on the ground trying to protect another classmate from being bullied. Where are teachers in catching this bullying and stepping in to hold the bullies accountable? Where is the flow of communication with parents? My daughter goes to the Kindergarten level campus and I get updates continuously through Class Dojo for her but there seems to be no flow at this campus. The GT program wasn’t fully formed at the larger campus when school started. My son mentioned he never did anything for GT a few months into the school year. The principal told me the GT program’s new director was still forming the program. Now that he has been doing it the rest of the year he says he does really enjoy the program. There is now a sudden change in ownership so we have to buy all new uniforms for next year, though no notices or emails were sent out. We had to discover that coming in for end of year assemblies. Other parents complained about the same thing. How many more changes are going to happen without proper parental notification? I am giving it 3 stars, still. There is a lot of good that should be acknowledged. My son has loved all his teachers here. In my Pre-K experience with Harmony on Rundberg this school has much better office management and much more cordial interactions with parents. I brought a forgotten lunch to my child at Harmony and they didn’t even get it to him as promised by the office staff. They still couldn’t locate it upon pickup and it ended up being in the lunchroom on the cart. Jubilee/WBLA has much better coordination. The principal, counselor, and staff are also very pro-active in dealing with personal issues that arise, and show genuine care about their students.
This will be a long post. I started my child here in 2nd grade -which is at the smaller campus, b/c I had heard their curriculum was amazing and they teach the 7 habits by Stephen Covey. 2nd grade was an excellent time for my child. Well-this 2017/2018 school year, my child moved up to 3rd grade, where all the big kids go. Whole different story. There was some challenges in the beginning with my daughter’s 504 being met by her teacher, I had to email a lot to explain everything all the time. I constantly asked for help and guidance. She was pretty good with my child, but then she left in December-1 day before winter break. Parents were not told that she had left, until afterwards, but all the kids were told. I was in shock. The email stated, they had no idea it was coming. That is the first of “shady incidents” with the upper level management, I started to notice. My child was being bullied a lot and I talked about this with her former teacher, whom I thought was handling it, but I am not sure. I complained over the winter break to the Vice Principle and Copied the Principle on this complaint. I had never gone to them before and was unsure that I should. But I did, and we paid dearly for it. So in January, when the kids went back into session, there was a sub for their teacher till they could find someone. That is teacher #2, then the new teacher started beginning of Feb, teacher #3, my child’s confidence in her school work paid dearly and so did others, ( I talked to those parents) My straight A child who loved school, said I need a math tutor and I don’t understand anything. Grades slipped to C and one F. WHAT-Benchmark slipped to 47%- should be a red flag. But no one cared. Let’s talk about having my child and I standing up for themselves-well that backfired. My child all of a sudden became victimized for standing up for themselves. All of a sudden we need an ABA therapists for behaviors-that has never happened till the bullying started. Instead of dealing with the bullying , my child is at fault. They don’t support the staff and teachers come and go like crazy. Not a very well thought out school. I do not suggest this place for anyone.

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