About Lalor Secondary College
Lalor Secondary College ( Secondary school ) is located at 118 David St, Lalor VIC 3075, Australia.
Other categories: Secondary school
Ratings & Ranking
Lalor Secondary College has a rating of 3.1 and is ranked number 1413 in Lalor.
- Academic Excellence:
- School Culture & Environment:
- Extracurricular Activities:
- Facilities & Resources:
- Parent & Community Engagement:
Overall Score
Address & Location
Lalor Secondary College is located at 118 David St, Lalor VIC 3075, Australia.
Schools Fees
The annual school fees for Lalor Secondary College in Lalor will be updated shortly. For guidance, the annual public schools range between AUD $2000 and AUD $5000 per year while the fees in Catholic and independent (or ‘private’) schools range between AUD $4000 to AUD $20,000 per annum. Established private schools charge upwards of AUD $20,000+ per annum.
No vacancies found at the moment.
Admissions are currently open at Lalor Secondary College.
Parents & Students Reviews:
Lalor Secondary College has 43 reviews with an overall rating of 3.1. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.
The teachers laughed at my face once for not handing in a consent form. Says a lot about the school. 5 stars because the school might drop a big hint to where i live…..
2/5 for the poor attempt at running a school, incredibly toxic environment and general lack of care.
I was a student at this school for several years, and compared to other schools I have been to, this one was considerably bad.
The environment of the school is quite shoddy, the school lacks any care when it comes to heating and cooling, with buildings that are heavily outdated. Several learning appliances such as projectors or screens for learning are broken and worn to the point to classroom interruption.
The education quality of the school was decent back around 2021, however due to several teacher layoffs and disrupted learning, the school has become a liability within Victoria’s education system. Teachers that were able to keep learning fun and interesting have now left LSC, and since then the school has been in a constant decline of education quality.
The uniform and rules enforced can be boiled down to quite silly. It really paints a picture of how badly the school has tried to mimic SMC with the uniform the school tries to enforce, in which the school had enforced a seasonal uniform policy. The rules of the school are relatively standard apart for a few outliers, such as a rule in the uniform policy causing students to receive detentions for not wearing the correct uniform *WHEN TRAVELLING TO AND FROM SCHOOL*.
The school is also so strict about changing these policies, evident by the fact that a student had to get signatures from almost half the school and then had to still sell the idea to the school’s committees to simply change the previous seasonal policy which was causing issues related to students overheating and freezing because Victoria doesn’t know how seasons work.
And finally, the students. Oh god the students.
LSC’s student demographic is, unfortunately, some of the most troublesome kids within Victoria. To my displeasure, there was a lot of hate speech and violence between students, especially towards LGBT communities, differing ethnic groups and differing religious groups. As of such, the school grounds are often reminiscent of bomb sites, and the school is definitely not a safe space.
Hopefully these things change within future years, as the completion of the new gym hall and classroom buildings are set to complete towards the end of 2024.