About Lanier Middle School
Lanier Middle School ( Middle school ) is located at 6482 Suwanee Dam Rd, Sugar Hill, GA 30518, United States. It is categorised as : Public middle school.
Other categories: Middle school, School
Ratings & Ranking
Lanier Middle School has a rating of 3.2 and is ranked number 9121 in the US.
- Academic Excellence:
Rated 3 out of 5
- School Culture & Environment:
Rated 3 out of 5
- Extracurricular Activities:
Rated 3 out of 5
- Facilities & Resources:
Rated 3 out of 5
- Parent & Community Engagement:
Rated 3 out of 5
Rated 3.2 out of 5
Overall Score
Address & Location
Lanier Middle School is located at 6482 Suwanee Dam Rd, Sugar Hill, GA 30518, United States.
Schools Fees
Given that it is categorised as Public middle school, the school fees for Lanier Middle School range between 0 USD and 0 USD.
No vacancies found at the moment.
Admissions are currently open at Lanier Middle School.
Lanier Middle School Proximity Zone:
The map below illustrates the average distance between Lanier Middle School and student residential areas.
Parents & Students Reviews:
Lanier Middle School has 39 reviews with an overall rating of 3.2. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.
Overall Rating : 3.2 out of 5.0 stars3.2
If you have an option, please go take your child somewhere else. When there are issues concerning teachers, like unfair grading practices, the administrators will meet with you, but it’s only for the sake of documentation. Nothing will get done. In the past two years, a teacher was transferred for using racial slurs, someone brought a gun to the school, and a principal left. My child, who is a 7th grader, has complained that one of her teachers sits at her desk on the computer looking for a job in another school district and gives them worksheets to complete. Teachers go from room to room talking to each other when they should be teaching. I have always supplemented my child’s learning at home with what she learns at school. So, I know she will be OK. She is a straight A student. I’m very disappointed in Lanier Middle School. Dr. Dzoole, Ph.D., Educational Administration, Mississippi State University, 2012
I have been here for almost 3 years now and i have learned that some of the teachers are really cool and nice. But, their is like 2 teachers you will have that you hate like always. the adminstration sucks they go by only what they think and do not care at all. You will get in trouble for the little things like giving somebody a hug. And i have not got iss or a refiral.. This Is Gods Honest Truth!!!!!!!!
Lanier Middle has been, and interesting experience. Now, i have nothing against the food, or against MOST of the teachers. However, the student body here is not so good. They have many many types of kids who yell scream, play, do inappropriate things, etc. And Id rather go to a school without. I’ve been going here for 3 years, and schools almost over. I’m in TWIST and have retained A’s and B’s.
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