Little Jo’s Day Nursery & Pre-School, Barnsley | Fees, Address, Admission, Vacancies, Reviews & More

Little Jo's Day Nursery & Pre-School is a Nursery school in Barnsley with a 4 rating.

About Little Jo’s Day Nursery & Pre-School

Little Jo’s Day Nursery & Pre-School ( Nursery school ) is located at 35 Doncaster Rd, Barnsley S70 1TH, United Kingdom. It is categorised as : Independent.
Other categories: Nursery school, Kindergarten, Preschool

Ratings & Ranking

Little Jo’s Day Nursery & Pre-School has a rating of 4 and is ranked number 13915 in the UK.

  • Academic Excellence:
  • School Culture & Environment:
  • Extracurricular Activities:
  • Facilities & Resources:
  • Parent & Community Engagement:


Overall Score

Address & Location

Little Jo’s Day Nursery & Pre-School is located at 35 Doncaster Rd, Barnsley S70 1TH, United Kingdom.

Schools Fees

Given that it is categorised as Independent, the school fees for Little Jo’s Day Nursery & Pre-School range between 0 GBP and 0 GBP . In Euros, the annual fees range for Little Jo’s Day Nursery & Pre-School is between 0 EUR and 0 EUR.


No vacancies found at the moment.


Admissions are currently open at Little Jo’s Day Nursery & Pre-School.

Parents & Students Reviews:

Little Jo’s Day Nursery & Pre-School has 4 reviews with an overall rating of 4. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.

Overall Rating : 4.0 out of 5.0 stars
My son David is going here from August 2018. He wasnt sharing, speaking and knowing how to play in a group. He is 4 years now and he is speaking, counting, tells the Abc, he is drawing, he is tellig stories, he is eating there but not sleeping as there are lots of kids and you can not sleep. Plus he goes to toilet by himself and doesnt need my help. I trained him to use the potty and the staff helped as per my request.Staff is young and very professional. They are teaching kids lot of stuff: about sun and stars, stories, games, how to cook and clean, and how to behave as well. Indeed they are left to make choises and they are encouraged to be on their own and to express them self. Some of the staff is sweet while the others are more serious and balances the team. Food is nice. When the lady from the kitchen cooks it smells amazing. My son doesn’t like my food anymore. Lol. 100 per cent I recommend this nursery and if i have more kids they will definitely come here.
Great staff my child loves going to this nursery. Very helpful

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