About Methodist Ladies’ College (MLC)
Methodist Ladies’ College (MLC) ( School ) is located at 207 Barkers Rd, Kew VIC 3101, Australia.
Other categories: School
Ratings & Ranking
Methodist Ladies’ College (MLC) has a rating of 3.3 and is ranked number 547 in Kew.
- Academic Excellence:
Rated 3 out of 5
- School Culture & Environment:
Rated 3 out of 5
- Extracurricular Activities:
Rated 3 out of 5
- Facilities & Resources:
Rated 3 out of 5
- Parent & Community Engagement:
Rated 3 out of 5
Rated 3.3 out of 5
Overall Score
Address & Location
Methodist Ladies’ College (MLC) is located at 207 Barkers Rd, Kew VIC 3101, Australia.
Schools Fees
The annual school fees for Methodist Ladies’ College (MLC) in Kew will be updated shortly. For guidance, the annual public schools range between AUD $2000 and AUD $5000 per year while the fees in Catholic and independent (or ‘private’) schools range between AUD $4000 to AUD $20,000 per annum. Established private schools charge upwards of AUD $20,000+ per annum.
No vacancies found at the moment.
Admissions are currently open at Methodist Ladies’ College (MLC).
Parents & Students Reviews:
Methodist Ladies’ College (MLC) has 72 reviews with an overall rating of 3.3. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.
Overall Rating : 3.3 out of 5.0 stars3.3
Alrhight ive read everything thats been said on here and some of it is definitly true, there are mean kids but theyre everywhere. in terms of inclusivity its amazing. there is a Language and Learning program for those struglling with english or other needs (dysleixa, adhd, etc.) as well as the school providing many different options for those who may have these learning needs. an ALI is made for every student who needs it, this is an Additoinal Learning Profile that is sent out to all of each students teachers, ive found mine has helped a lot and although some teachers dont recognise this majority of teachers do and it seems that their boss always does XD. anyway it has its problems but overall a good school. the best teacher was Mr Duke but the school drive him into redundancey which was definitly a very bad part of this school. plenty of councellors, teachers, coordinators and others who are pretty inclusive and some fo which are welcoming. good school but has its problems basically. been going there 5 years and so far its been quite rocky but id rather be here than any other school. THE PE TEACHERS HOWEVER ARE AMAZING I LOVE THEM ALL SO MUCH <3
if the students dont bully you, the teachers will. 8 years of trauma and counting <3
I’m going here next year, can’t wait, uhm from looking at the 1 star reviews I’m now kinda scared but I will report back in like 2 years or so to see what I’ve experienced
Okay so been here for 2 years now and it’s honestly not that bad if you have a good group. Some of the teachers have some weird grudges but that’s just personal experience but most the teachers care kinda and everything seems pretty fair with detentions and other consequences, it’s just mid. The learning is pretty good. In like every highschool if u stay out of drama you’ll be fine. The facilities at the school are really good though and I do feel like there’s lots of options you can choose from. The school like tries to be fun like Carey but it ain’t cutting it, like honestly stick to being academic and serious yk. Anyways send your kid here if they’re not a silly one because bullying will occur like really easily but it’s a girls school what u gonna expect. Just be nice and everyone will be nice back typa thing (hopefully)
I have been sending my daughter to this school for quite a few years and I must say it’s been a wonderful school for her. The caring teachers, the facilities, the sports offered and the music tuition. Yes it’s a big school but it offers so many subjects for VCE and the option of doing the International baccalaureate. My daughter has gained so much more confidence from going to this school and her friends are all so lovely. I couldn’t be happier with the school.
My parents thought this place would be best for me, I regret not begging them to send me to a public school. The school offered subjects that interested my young mind but then the school preached that to be a good person and to live a good life you must achieve greatness. They instilled an unhealthy mindset I’m still working on fixing myself. They set you up to be unhappy and depressed in life and despite all the additional classes they fit into my schedule, I graduated still not knowing how to pay my taxes. I am worse off for having gone to this school. I have mental and physical scars to remember it by.
Additional note, how can such an expensive school have such expensive yet poor quality and uncomfortable uniforms? I was always sick because they weren’t warm enough and when I fell, the plastic tracksuit pants melted onto my legs. But of course, instead of them guiding the youth, they are just teaching us that sometimes things don’t make sense and adults will give you detention for not wearing a star badge between your developing breasts to attract more cat calls on your walks home from school or you will be reprimanded and held back after school.
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