About Middle River Middle School
Middle River Middle School ( School ) is located at 800 Middle River Rd, Baltimore, MD 21220, United States. It is categorised as : Public middle school in Baltimore County, Maryland..
Other categories: School
Ratings & Ranking
Middle River Middle School has a rating of 2.3 and is ranked number 6544 in the US.
- Academic Excellence:
- School Culture & Environment:
- Extracurricular Activities:
- Facilities & Resources:
- Parent & Community Engagement:
Overall Score
Address & Location
Middle River Middle School is located at 800 Middle River Rd, Baltimore, MD 21220, United States.
Schools Fees
Given that it is categorised as Public middle school in Baltimore County, Maryland., the school fees for Middle River Middle School range between 0 USD and 0 USD.
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Admissions are currently open at Middle River Middle School.
Middle River Middle School Proximity Zone:
The map below illustrates the average distance between Middle River Middle School and student residential areas.
Parents & Students Reviews:
Middle River Middle School has 68 reviews with an overall rating of 2.3. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.
The 2022-23 year mightve been my worst year here, but if it werent for my fun homeroom teacher I wouldve ranked it one of the lowest year I was in. A problem about this school is that they pretend to care and engage with students, but when students report or share their experiences at this school with a honest review it doesnt matter anymore. This school cannot handle criticism well at all. They silently choose to ignore racial discrimination, assault, harassment, and other things that students do and when theres a report, the punishment isnt anything at all. I just hope that this school would give more harsher punishments to students who do stuff like this. It is also cool that the teachers and staff do activities for students to engage with us more but are prides a priority?
At the beginning of 2021-22, prides were more easy to collect but now for this year, Teachers will barely hand them out which is a problem for us students that want to participate in field days. One other thing which is a problem are the bathrooms, and lunch. The lunch is okay, but some stuff they serve in the cafeteria is a bit bland and dry, its a school so I am not going to criticize much but the meat they have isnt great either. The bathrooms are much worse than lunch as theres period blood smeared on the walls, pee and poop in unflushed toilets and people vaping as the bathroom always smells bad and usually closes due to people ripping soap dispensers off. But, the students here and teachers arent the best, by far its one of the worst things Ill be talking about. The students dont have self respect and dont respect other students and teachers, and they also like to pick on and tease who is a different sexual orientation which is what happens to my friends all the time or identifies as something which is different from them. Students also make lessons go behind all the time and they like to irritate teachers, and some of the black students racially discriminated by other white students, or even people of color. As I have been racially discriminated a lot of times at this school and it basically feels like this safe space staff talks about isnt actually normal and is a concern as parents and students email the school about this and the punishments arent serious and a light one to be at most. As teachers become more less engaging during grade levels going by, I hope this review helps the school to make a change. A great change to actually help their students and not to stress them out, even the teachers should make things more fun for them to actually participate. Needless to say, Ill miss my friends here but I wont miss you MRMS.
Bathrooms : they could maybe do fundraisers to get soap for the soap dispensers (I like to bring hand sanitizer with me to school), I understand they might need to lock the bathrooms for the first 10 minutes and last 10 minutes of a period but someone might need to go like an emergency.
Hallways:I have seen lots of fights in the hallway especially on the first day of school and saw some teachers just ignoring those students fighting(who shouldnt be in the 6th grade hallway) and just smiling waving to other students.
Bell ring: I feel like the bells should ring earlier because since lots of students walk SO SLOW and its crowded it will take lots of time to get to classes.
Teachers: dont ever play with some of these teachers they will yell at you (some of them) these teachers deserve respect they dont get paid a lot but these students are so disrespectful !
Students: Again they are so disrespectful, they will say racist things, fat shame, rude things, gender shame, etc.
Lunch: we get to wear hoods AND use our phones during lunch which is a great thing since we dont have recess, I feel like people should be able to sit at any table they want but then the teachers wont be able to find their students so I understand, and the lunch is the same as any other bcps lunch tbh nothing different!
Bus:some bus drivers can be very strict so I would follow the expectations, the bus isnt so bad the one I ride but they can be very wild !
Overall: I would say it isnt a bad school but then not the best school ever so I give this school a 3/5
If you have any questions you can message me on tik tok
mali_aka_jasmine !
Its sad to see reviews misspelled and full of hate when not one person contributing to the negative of this school has had the clear thinking of, I should do better for me. No, I want to do big things in my future. Yes, there may be a few teachers whove portrayed the harsher side of education, but thats only because theyre given no other choice. I hope the kids who show up ready to learn pay no attention to the lack of things that make up the school and instead focus on what they can do for themselves. This school would be better with a clean wipe, stricter discipline, zero-tolerance phone policies and of course no school benefits from the lack of funding that they all face. Do better for your kids America.