About Oasis Academy Ryelands
Oasis Academy Ryelands ( Primary school ) is located at Oakley Rd, London SE25 4XG, United Kingdom. It is categorised as : N/A.
Other categories: Primary school, Nursery school
Ratings & Ranking
Oasis Academy Ryelands has a rating of 3.8 and is ranked number 2775 in the UK.
- Academic Excellence:
- School Culture & Environment:
- Extracurricular Activities:
- Facilities & Resources:
- Parent & Community Engagement:
Overall Score
Address & Location
Oasis Academy Ryelands is located at Oakley Rd, London SE25 4XG, United Kingdom.
Schools Fees
Given that it is categorised as N/A, the school fees for Oasis Academy Ryelands range between 0 GBP and 0 GBP . In Euros, the annual fees range for Oasis Academy Ryelands is between 0 EUR and 0 EUR.
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Admissions are currently open at Oasis Academy Ryelands.
Parents & Students Reviews:
Oasis Academy Ryelands has 23 reviews with an overall rating of 3.8. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.
Sometimes the communication isn’t there between staff which can be frustrating if your child needs some assistance with non academic problems. For example a child with a bladder condition will not be allowed to use the toilet when they ask, even a parent and medical professional have specifically told the school that a toilet should be accessable at all times due to said medical condition. Having to continuously remind or stand up for this for your child is frustrating. Especially picking up your child soaked in urine because they wasn’t allowed to go to the toilet and they have hid the fact they have wet themselves out of embarrassment. I find that aspect disappointing. This happened to my son and i was told it was because they came in from break 5 or 10 mins prior and he should of used the bathroom then….A medical condition doesn’t wear a watch….And I think staff should be more sympathetic towards conditions as such as these. It’s happened a few times so communication should be there as well as the respect for the needs of the child regardless of when they last had toilet access. My opinion may not match others.
Academically they are an outstanding school. My son has had an abundance of support from many of the staff. I am impressed with the teachers and teaching assistance that my son has had through the years, especially Mrs Howels and Mrs Turner. The really did help my son move forwards in leaps and bounds. They went above and beyond. Amazing ladies.
The school offer fantastic after school classes, some are free and some are paid. Trips are always great. They always keep you updated on the children throughout the trip which I think is fantastic.
The school is always tidy and well kept and I know they continuously aim to provide the children with great equipment and outdoor items. The classrooms are always colourful and cheerful. Parents evenings are always well planned and flexibly timed.
Overall I’d recommend this school. My son’s done amazingly well there compared to his previous school.
I went to is school and I loved the teachers were sweet and the staff to now I am in year 10 in coloma Covent girls school and I was the only one in the whole of year 6
I miss this school to bits