Peachtree Prep West, Conyers | Fees, Rankings, Address, Admission, Vacancies, Reviews & More

Peachtree Prep West is a Preschool in Conyers with a 3.8 rating.

About Peachtree Prep West

Peachtree Prep West ( Preschool ) is located at 1760 Ebenezer Rd SW, Conyers, GA 30094, United States. It is categorised as : Private preparatory school.
Other categories: Preschool, Primary school, School

Ratings & Ranking

Peachtree Prep West has a rating of 3.8 and is ranked number 30382 in the US.

  • Academic Excellence:
  • School Culture & Environment:
  • Extracurricular Activities:
  • Facilities & Resources:
  • Parent & Community Engagement:


Overall Score

Address & Location

Peachtree Prep West is located at 1760 Ebenezer Rd SW, Conyers, GA 30094, United States.

Schools Fees

Given that it is categorised as Private preparatory school, the school fees for Peachtree Prep West range between 20,000 USD and 40,000 USD.


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Admissions are currently open at Peachtree Prep West.

Peachtree Prep West Proximity Zone:

The map below illustrates the average distance between Peachtree Prep West and student residential areas.

Parents & Students Reviews:

Peachtree Prep West has 12 reviews with an overall rating of 3.8. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.

Overall Rating : 3.8 out of 5.0 stars
We began our search for a learning center for our son at the age of 13 months old. We were looking for somewhere that would challenge him academically as well as him being able to learn more with interactions with others. We visited about 15 different schools/child care centers but none of them fit our desires nor did they fit our sons desires. Our son began potty training at 10 months old (his choice LOL), coloring and drawing at 8 months old. By him being at home from birth, we had a learning time schedule and then we had interactive learning throughout the day so we were looking for a learning center that would do this and more. While our son was with me at home daily (from birth), my 1 hour break (with my son) would be at Starbucks and when my son was old enough to run around Starbucks, I met a young lady by the name of Kelli. Kelli had a wonderful spirit and began to ask me where my son went to school. I explained to her that he wasn’t in school and that we were looking for about 6 months, for the perfect fit for our son and us but hadn’t had any luck. Kelli assured me that Peachtree Academy had the best teachers and that he would learn so much more. Well, Kelli was right!!! We finally visited Peachtree Prep when our son was 18 months old and he was so comfortable, the curriculum is so on point for what we wanted for him to be challenged more, the facility is always clean, they stress safety, and although I haven’t directly interacted with every single teacher but whenever I see them in passing, they have the kindest spirit. Needless to say, we enrolled our son that same day and he wanted to stay that same day. Mrs. Denise is so AWESOME! When my son started Peachtree Academy, he wasn’t eating table food and wasn’t use to being away from home and on a daily basis she worked with him and was so patient with him that he was eating table food within 2 months. And I loved the fact that he was able to smoothly transition from the 1 year classroom to the 2 year old classroom with no problems. While our son was still in Mrs. Denise’s class, I had the opportunity to chat with Mrs. Sharon and I could tell that she would be great at getting our son to the next level and next stages in his life so I’m very grateful that Peachtree Academy has everything set up so that the children can interact and get to know every teacher. When our son finally moved to Mrs. Sharon’s class after he turned 2, he was so ready and he has continued to grow each day. Long story short, Peachtree Prep has our son eating table food, he knows all of his Alphabets, the sounds that each alphabet makes, his colors, and his shapes, and counting up to 20, all at the age of 2! He has become more verbal and clear with his words and everyday he amazes me with something new that he can say or do (tear!) so I must say thank you to all of the teachers (Ms. Denise, Ms. Kelli, Ms. Bailey, and Ms. K’yong. But those that aren’t our son’s teachers has played a very valuable role in his growth (little that they know), I’ve watched how these ladies interact with all the children as well as our son and they are so great!, Ms. Rebekah, Ms. Charity, and Ms. Tanya, THANK YOU so much for being so kind and making sure our son succeeds. Mrs. Laurie and the entire team is always working hard to ensure that every child has a great daily experience and I would say that if you are in need of a family feel, safe environment, and that will get your child to the next stages of learning, this is the Academy!
Hands down the BEST daycare in the area. I adore the staff just as much as they adore my daughter. Everyone knows her and me as well. It’s such a family environment and they have provided top notch care for my sweet baby since she was 3 months old. Ms. Laurie, the director, is so welcoming and makes anyone feel right so at ease while leaving your little one there. I am SO thankful that I found these guys, and that I have not a doubt in my mind that they treat by sweet girl just as I do. I would recommend them to ANYONE. They are a little more pricey than others in the area, BUT you get what you pay for. I for one would pay a million dollars to know my daughter was safe and well cared for, but here I don’t have to. Keep up the AMAZING work you guys, you are truly one of a kind!
Horrible and poor experience. I will not have any of my children attend this school or place of business. The administration/CEO is very disrespectful and don’t know how to run a facility. Please do your research and ask around before making your child attend this place of business. They will lie about your Childs behavior to reduce the amount of African Americans that attend the facility. They will call you every single day about something that is so petty pertaining to your child. For example- not listening, playing with toys during story time and etc. I will be filing a report with the state pertaining to this un-professional matter

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