Pinecrest Academy of Nevada – Sloan Canyon, Henderson | Fees, Rankings, Address, Admission, Vacancies, Reviews & More

Pinecrest Academy of Nevada - Sloan Canyon is a High school in Henderson with a 3.6 rating.

About Pinecrest Academy of Nevada – Sloan Canyon

Pinecrest Academy of Nevada – Sloan Canyon ( High school ) is located at 675 E Dl Ave, Henderson, NV 89044, United States. It is categorised as : .
Other categories: High school, Middle school

Ratings & Ranking

Pinecrest Academy of Nevada – Sloan Canyon has a rating of 3.6 and is ranked number 5804 in the US.

  • Academic Excellence:
  • School Culture & Environment:
  • Extracurricular Activities:
  • Facilities & Resources:
  • Parent & Community Engagement:


Overall Score

Address & Location

Pinecrest Academy of Nevada – Sloan Canyon is located at 675 E Dl Ave, Henderson, NV 89044, United States.

Schools Fees

Given that it is categorised as , the school fees for Pinecrest Academy of Nevada – Sloan Canyon range between 20,000 USD and 40,000 USD.


No vacancies found at the moment.


Admissions are currently open at Pinecrest Academy of Nevada – Sloan Canyon.

Pinecrest Academy of Nevada – Sloan Canyon Proximity Zone:

The map below illustrates the average distance between Pinecrest Academy of Nevada – Sloan Canyon and student residential areas.

Parents & Students Reviews:

Pinecrest Academy of Nevada – Sloan Canyon has 47 reviews with an overall rating of 3.6. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.

Overall Rating : 3.6 out of 5.0 stars
This is the beginning of the 4th year of instruction and further proof that this school was poorly planned, lacks safety, and in general has been a poor experience in a charter school.
45 minutes or more to drop off in the morning.
45 minutes or more to pick up in the afternoon. Traffic is stopped in lanes for long periods of time. The Amazon trucks fly through going in the oncoming lanes.
No safety. No crossing guards. No planning.
This campus is located in an industrial warehouse district with a mass of apartments and houses being built across the street
No traffic lights. No crossing guards!
The plan is for grades 7-12th to be unloaded in 20 minutes. The employees come to car loop minutes after the bell rings instead of before.
Car loop employees are rude and grumpy (my guess is because of the pay and working conditions).
Parents are rude and entitled.
The kids have a 20 minute lunch. They are not allowed to eat outside even though we are still in the covid pandemic era.
There are no Physical Education requirements. (Not sure how this is legal because to graduate in California you have to have PE credits.)
There is no parking even though they have lots, don’t ask.

It is 2022 and our tax dollars are paying for this subpar school. CCSD has the infrastructure and legally HAS to have crossing guards and buses.
These charters somehow do not.

Our tax dollars are wasted at these schools, where the requirements to be a teacher are much much less (and pay as such, therefore high teacher turnover) compared to CCSD.

God forbid, you should have to talk to anyone in the front office because they are rude and put up on.

From a student perspective. Absolutely everything is wrong with how teachers and the principal handles things. There’s a horrible bullying problem at that school. Teachers are rude one teacher even talked about my personal information. The teacher still works there. Teachers basically watch kids cry and get bullied and nothing wrong if done. Drugs and vaping is everywhere with students. Not a safe environment. School lunch comes out of boxes that where in more boxes ranch is literally gello absolutely disgusting so kids starve themself. So from a student perspective this is a horrible school i’m in a public school and i’m having a 10 times better experience and there at the same level. Pinecrest also test and holds people back just so there rates are high elementary is not even learning there just testing and testing. They rush through everything just so they look good. Public school i’m in now where actual the exact same where i left off but i’m learning and feel much safer the councilors at public are 10 times better. Pinecrest just cares about looking good and being the best not about what is happening and how the students care.
My son has attended this State Charter School since 6th grade and will be graduating in one year from the Sloan Canyon Campus. There have been ups and downs as the school is brand new and has faced logistical issues due to construction deadlines and projects under construction during the academic year. I have to say, under the Pandemic, the staff and administrators have kept our children safe, continued to operate as smoothly as possible and seem to genuinely care about each child at the school. They have had a few bad instructors or staff members, but they address issues quickly and professionally. I would recommend this school for anyone looking for another option to public school in Nevada. the academics are more vigorous, the school is highly diverse, standards are held high, children are kept safe, and as for older kids…there is no tolerance for bad conduct outside of or near the campus. They are taught to behave themselves and lead the younger children by example. Just my honest thoughts…do not regret applying for this Charter alternative in anyway and recommend it to my friends and family members.

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