About Plainview Nursery School & Camp
Plainview Nursery School & Camp ( Nursery school ) is located at 84 Southern Pkwy, Plainview, NY 11803, United States. It is categorised as : Early childhood education center..
Other categories: Nursery school, Non-profit organization
Ratings & Ranking
Plainview Nursery School & Camp has a rating of 4.7 and is ranked number 23176 in the US.
- Academic Excellence:
- School Culture & Environment:
- Extracurricular Activities:
- Facilities & Resources:
- Parent & Community Engagement:
Overall Score
Address & Location
Plainview Nursery School & Camp is located at 84 Southern Pkwy, Plainview, NY 11803, United States.
Schools Fees
Given that it is categorised as Early childhood education center., the school fees for Plainview Nursery School & Camp range between 12,000 USD and 16,000 USD.
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Admissions are currently open at Plainview Nursery School & Camp.
Plainview Nursery School & Camp Proximity Zone:
The map below illustrates the average distance between Plainview Nursery School & Camp and student residential areas.
Parents & Students Reviews:
Plainview Nursery School & Camp has 13 reviews with an overall rating of 4.7. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.
The owners of this school want is a child that fits their mold. They don’t want anything different, or anything that could upset their “club”. At their suggestion upon my son’s expulsion, we had our son evaluated. The academic evaluators found some mild speech and comprehension deficiencies, but most telling, they wanted all of the information on the school that kicked him out. They were very concerned by the actions of the school. I imagine they investigated the school at some point, but I have no evidence to back that up. The details and length of their questions to my wife and I about Plainview Nursery School indicated to me that it wasn’t just casual conversation, and that they planned a follow up to the school. If such a follow-up ever occurred, we were not privy to the results.
Upon expulsion from the school, the owner causally inquired about “keeping in touch”. I feel that was a “saving face” measure, and not reflective of actual intellectual curiosity.
My son has gone on to thrive academically and socially. It’s sad because the Plainview Nursery School came recommended to us, but we had such a poor experience, I can’t – in good conscience – recommend them for any child.
To this day, when we pass the school my son says “I did not like that school, at all!” and part of me feels bad about sending him here. A larger part of me feels an obligation to tell the truth about that school so other parents can weight their decisions appropriately.
The school did refund us all of our money for any unattended time. There was no issue of payments withheld; they were very fair and accommodating in that respect, and offered no push-back when we asked for our money back since they kicked our son out. They also were kind enough to keep my son’s personal belongings there for a few weeks until I could come and pick them up.
If you’re looking at schools in the area, I would check out Greentrees and Miss Sues in Syosset and Plainview respectively. They will offer a more comprehensive and fair schooling for your child. I say this because I have other children that have attended those schools and I recommend those highly.
I write negative reviews only when they are really deserved. Generally, if someone deserves a negative review I’m most likely to say nothing at all. However, with academics and the actions of this school, it needs to be known that they are not interested in the best interests of the child. They are interested simply in making their club better. It’s sad, but hopefully they have the ability to see this review and adapt and change. There is always time for redemption, and head down a better path.
The staff is very professional and genuine. They have the children’s best interest at heart always. The teachers have years of experience and share a great love for this school (many of their kids went to this school). They are very nurturing and loving and are able to give the children more individual attention because of the small class sizes. The School is also very accommodating to scheduling.
The Plainview Nursery School, staff, and parents are like an extended family. My children love every second in school. When my oldest went to Kindergarten she was the youngest in the class (she was 4 bc of the cutoff ) I struggled with whether or not we had made the right decision. The Kindergarten teacher asked where she went to pre-school bc she was so impressed by how well she was prepared. And when I told her it was Plainview Nursery School she had commented on how the “Coop children” were always well prepared.
The greatest take-a-way from my kids being at the Plainview Nursery School is how kind, compassionate, and loving they are to their friends, their classmates, and their teachers. This is something that can’t be taught. It is something that has to be lived, and shown through daily example. As much as I would love to take all the credit for this =) I strongly feel like this is truly a reflection of what this school offers, what it is built on, and what it strives to give back to our community.