Rainbow Dreams Academy, Las Vegas | Fees, Rankings, Address, Admission, Vacancies, Reviews & More

Rainbow Dreams Academy is a Kindergarten in Las Vegas with a 2.9 rating.

About Rainbow Dreams Academy

Rainbow Dreams Academy ( Kindergarten ) is located at 950 W Lake Mead Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89106, United States. It is categorised as : .
Other categories: Kindergarten, Preschool

Ratings & Ranking

Rainbow Dreams Academy has a rating of 2.9 and is ranked number 23314 in the US.

  • Academic Excellence:
  • School Culture & Environment:
  • Extracurricular Activities:
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  • Parent & Community Engagement:


Overall Score

Address & Location

Rainbow Dreams Academy is located at 950 W Lake Mead Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89106, United States.

Schools Fees

Given that it is categorised as , the school fees for Rainbow Dreams Academy range between 0 USD and 0 USD.


No vacancies found at the moment.


Admissions are currently open at Rainbow Dreams Academy.

Rainbow Dreams Academy Proximity Zone:

The map below illustrates the average distance between Rainbow Dreams Academy and student residential areas.

Parents & Students Reviews:

Rainbow Dreams Academy has 21 reviews with an overall rating of 2.9. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.

Overall Rating : 2.9 out of 5.0 stars
I had such high hopes for this school initially but everything that is wrong with this school can be directly tied back to the principle Ms. Henry. This woman lacks professionalism, tact, and has had an incredibly condescending tone each of the times I have interacted with her. The school is poorly micro managed by her and day to day parents had no idea if school would even be open for their students to attend due to insufficient and untimely information provided by her. At some point during the school year Covid testing became available at the school and parents who wanted to have their children tested could opt in and had to sign a release. Despite not ever signing this release or authorizing the school to perform testing on my child Ms. Henry made the decision to have all children at the school tested regardless of whether parents actually gave their consent. To make matters worse the results of these tests went directly to her and not to the parents each week. The results of a Covid-19 test is protected health information covered by HIPAA which she absolutely violated by viewing results of tests that parents never authorized. She then made Covid testing mandatory for all students to attend school and after complaints about her practices she suggested to the parents who didn’t like it to send their students to distance learning. Ms. Henry does whatever she likes in regards to running this school and is not the type of person who should be the head of an institution for young children. Before the end of the school year my child’s teacher quit due to the hostile work environment. The teacher reached out and told us via Class Dojo that she was no longer with the school and apologized for the abrupt departure but said she couldn’t take it anymore. After Ms. Henry found out the teacher was still in contact with parents via Class Dojo, Ms. Henry appeared at this teachers home later that night banging and yelling at her doorstep demanding her Class Dojo password. The teacher was so alarmed by this erratic behavior that the police were called and a restraining order was filed. After learning about this and being concerned about a elementary principle not being able control her emotions I contacted Dan Tafoya who is the Director of charter schools for southern Nevada. I mentioned all of my concerns about Ms. Henry and her behavior, and provided my contact information to him and was assured that he would reach back out to me by the end of the week while he looked into my complaint and would also contact the owner of the school. Of course I never heard from Dan again. I’m told that he, Ms. Henry and the owner of the school are all good friends and the failure of a follow up from either of them confirms this. Even my email to the governing board came back as undeliverable and that was from information listed on the school website. It’s so disheartening that there is no oversight at the school and no one who wants make sure these students have the best leadership available at this school. Let’s face it, it’s a charter school in a poor part of town and as long as the funding is flowing and children are filling the seats nothing else matters.
(Rainbow Dreams Early Learning Academy)
Please Do NOT send your little ones here. I want to start off by saying the school has some great Early Childhood Teacher’s but the school is ran more like a Child Care Program than a Clark County School. The curriculum is fun but it does not get your little ones Kindergarten Ready. The school barely has supplies so the Teachers buy their own stuff for the class to be successful. As a parent you won’t have much input unless you build a close relationship with your child’s Teacher. Other than that, the whole school is ran under an autocratic leadership. So that means 1 person(the Principal) makes all the decisions which is unhealthy when there are systems in place to ethically operate the school but those systems are not in use and are even used to manipulate parents. When you hear “The Board” that means nothing. Take your little ones to either Democracy Prep or the 100 Academy. Way better education and they aren’t money hungry like Rainbow Dreams Early Learning Academy. Your kids will get one of the best education that’s offered in that area. So far I have directed 5 families to others schools and they are so thankful for that. Please don’t send your kids here. You’ve been warned.
I had to wait a couple of weeks before I could post my review. The principal Ms.Henry advised my daughter, that had a three-year-old little boy attending the Academy, that if she didn’t stay on him by the time he’s in the 3rd grade statistics show that he would end up in jail. This made me very angry! Yes, my daughter had been called to the school to pick him up three times within two weeks because ironically Ms. Henry always said he did something. Before he was accepted she told my daughter she wanted to test him because he did not want to sit down and have a conversation with her…she’s a stranger and he’s three years old….they gave him curriculum to learn over the summer, which he did and he was put in the four year old class, but for some reason she had a problem with him….please be careful when considering this school, by the way his teacher Ms. Johnson was Awesome!

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