About Rochester Academy Charter Middle School
Rochester Academy Charter Middle School ( Charter school ) is located at 841 Genesee St, Rochester, NY 14611, United States. It is categorised as : Charter public middle school..
Other categories: Charter school, School
Ratings & Ranking
Rochester Academy Charter Middle School has a rating of 3.7 and is ranked number 12629 in the US.
- Academic Excellence:
Rated 3 out of 5
- School Culture & Environment:
Rated 3 out of 5
- Extracurricular Activities:
Rated 3 out of 5
- Facilities & Resources:
Rated 3 out of 5
- Parent & Community Engagement:
Rated 3 out of 5
Rated 3.7 out of 5
Overall Score
Address & Location
Rochester Academy Charter Middle School is located at 841 Genesee St, Rochester, NY 14611, United States.
Schools Fees
Given that it is categorised as Charter public middle school., the school fees for Rochester Academy Charter Middle School range between 0 USD and 0 USD.
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Admissions are currently open at Rochester Academy Charter Middle School.
Rochester Academy Charter Middle School Proximity Zone:
The map below illustrates the average distance between residential areas and Rochester Academy Charter Middle School.
Parents & Students Reviews:
Rochester Academy Charter Middle School has 27 reviews with an overall rating of 3.7. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.
Overall Rating : 3.7 out of 5.0 stars3.7
RACS is an amazing school if I must say so myself. In September I will be starting my 10th grade year. The 3 years that I have been here has been absolutely nothing but amazing! I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to meet new people, expand my knowledge and figure out who I am! I love the safe, warm atmosphere the school provides for me and I admire the big cultural differences! Each year I compare the lessons we are taught there to the lessons other city schools teach their students and we not only learn more but at a faster rate which allows us to learn advanced subjects. I recently traveled to two foreign countries through this school and this school opens so many doors for me. I can’t wait until the 2012-2013 school year begins!
-Destiny Bowman, student of 3 years
I never wanted to come to this school at the beginning because I never knew about it but when I got to experience its academic role in the school industry I liked it a lot. I even wanted to come back to the school which I have never done before because my family’s always moving. Now this school has become my second family because of they’re commitment of teaching you how to succeed in life. When I say one on one attention I mean literally one on one. The teachers visited my house to tell my parents how progress is or how grades are, etc. After a brief statues of how I’m doing in school, my mother felt satisfied that she chose this school for me to attend.
Thanks to RACS and their staff members.
Rochester Academy Charter School is a amazing school. i have been in this school for 4 years and its awesome, they put me in so many different opportunities, for example, they put me in the Science Olympiad where i compete with kids around America for metals and scholarships for college. So far i got two 3rd place metals. Also they have lots of college readiness programs, like STEP and CRP. That takes you to trips for example we went to Harvard, Yale, Princeton, RIT, University Of Rochester, and etc. So far i enjoy this school and it will bring me a great future.
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