About St Mary of the Angels Catholic Primary School
St Mary of the Angels Catholic Primary School ( Primary school ) is located at Shrewsbury Rd, London W2 5PR, United Kingdom. It is categorised as : Faith School.
Other categories: Primary school
Ratings & Ranking
St Mary of the Angels Catholic Primary School has a rating of 4 and is ranked number 11194 in the UK.
- Academic Excellence:
Rated 3 out of 5
- School Culture & Environment:
Rated 3 out of 5
- Extracurricular Activities:
Rated 3 out of 5
- Facilities & Resources:
Rated 3 out of 5
- Parent & Community Engagement:
Rated 3 out of 5
Rated 4 out of 5
Overall Score
Address & Location
St Mary of the Angels Catholic Primary School is located at Shrewsbury Rd, London W2 5PR, United Kingdom.
Schools Fees
Given that it is categorised as Faith School, the school fees for St Mary of the Angels Catholic Primary School range between 0 GBP and 0 GBP . In Euros, the annual fees range for St Mary of the Angels Catholic Primary School is between 0 EUR and 0 EUR.
No vacancies found at the moment.
Admissions are currently open at St Mary of the Angels Catholic Primary School.
Parents & Students Reviews:
St Mary of the Angels Catholic Primary School has 6 reviews with an overall rating of 4. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.
Overall Rating : 4.0 out of 5.0 stars4.0
I absolutely hated this place as a child. I’m pretty one of the staff gave me social anxiety that Lasts to today, I can’t remember much of my time there but I do remember snippets of what this school has done to me and since I was the only victim as far as I know I can’t take much action except this. How would you feel if your child had lots of friends only to discover the school actually bribes students into hanging out with people that the person may not feel comfortable with? It really damages a child’s trust in others. I also remember the school would tell students to grow up teaching children that it’s good to skip over a fundamental stage in their life where they discover who they are, because of what they said I don’t feel like I have a identity and I’ve lied to people’s faces about my true opinions and once when I cut my leg so bad it was bleeding to my ankles and had to sit down the next day because it was burning my teacher only told me to walk it off. Their idea of “dicipline” to growing active kids is to say that reception students are far more behaved than them or even forcing a entire year group to behave like year 1s in front of younger students, humiliating them. There are only a handful of staff that I actually enjoyed. I remember that when I was in year five, pizza day, first off the teacher didn’t bother to put me in a group and secondly the teacher said she’d give one warning since we were using knives which was understandable but she goes onto say “what have I told you before?!” Even when A) I didn’t receive a first warning and B) I was forced to stay in the same station because i wasn’t put in a group and when we supposedly rotated so I already knew what I was doing. They put me in a isolated table facing the blank wall as everyone enjoyed their day. One of the teachers even saw my trying to choke myself to death and I was only in year 5. Another story was that I was getting annoyed by this one student all throughout the year and I’ve tried to tell them nicely that I find it annoying until one day I snapped at them yelling “Leave me alone! You’re annoying me!” The teacher seeing this immediately ran to me pushing ME against the wall telling me it was my fault for getting upset. What kind of message would that send your kids? That their emotions are worthless and if you aren’t straight faced or happy you have no right to emote? Well that’s what I learnt and is that what you want your children to learn? If your a good parent than no. I don’t care about the other times that they tried to help like when I fractured my leg, in fact it was the teachers I liked that helped me. It doesn’t outweigh the fact I once had a anxiety attack in front of the deputy head and couldn’t breathe and crying as loud as I could the deputy head and the teacher from earlier just looked at me and said it wasn’t going to work, meaning I’m not going to feel sympathy for you. I get that I didn’t do a lot of homework because my depression makes it hard for me to: Concentrate and keep myself organised but when a child is going into a anxiety attack and can’t breathe until their face turns red don’t you think they would do SOMETHING? At least my new school gives me some water and an occasional small sweet to calm me down after I did something bad in fact I had a similar incident at my new school where I didn’t complete pages of homework, the teacher recognised the panic attack took me outside to get air and told me I had one night to finish it all and leave my book in her room in the beginning of the morning and I wouldn’t get a sanction, that’s how you handle an anxiety attack. As I type this I get an anxiety attack from remembering it, if you don’t believe me I’ll give you the exact location of the clinic and what times I left school. So if you want your child to not suffer the same fate as I, don’t send your child to this school. A couple days ago my mum told me the school is getting even worse as my mum has connections with other mums who sent their younger children there saying the environment isn’t as friendly as it used to be
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