About St. Simon The Apostle Primary School
St. Simon The Apostle Primary School ( Primary school ) is located at St Simons School, 2 Taylors Ln, Rowville VIC 3178, Australia.
Other categories: Primary school, Catholic school
Ratings & Ranking
St. Simon The Apostle Primary School has a rating of 3.7 and is ranked number 1594 in Rowville.
- Academic Excellence:
- School Culture & Environment:
- Extracurricular Activities:
- Facilities & Resources:
- Parent & Community Engagement:
Overall Score
Address & Location
St. Simon The Apostle Primary School is located at St Simons School, 2 Taylors Ln, Rowville VIC 3178, Australia.
Schools Fees
The annual school fees for St. Simon The Apostle Primary School in Rowville will be updated shortly. For guidance, the annual public schools range between AUD $2000 and AUD $5000 per year while the fees in Catholic and independent (or ‘private’) schools range between AUD $4000 to AUD $20,000 per annum. Established private schools charge upwards of AUD $20,000+ per annum.
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Admissions are currently open at St. Simon The Apostle Primary School.
Parents & Students Reviews:
St. Simon The Apostle Primary School has 33 reviews with an overall rating of 3.7. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.
I started St Simons in 2015 and my brother was a notorious who had also attended the primary school and also recieved his seven years of education here. My first year at the school was met with a promising foundation and various opportunities as well an into an insight into the catholic faith. I thoroughly enjoyed my time here at the establishment, primarily years 15′,16′,17′,18′ and 21′.
Here are some negative comments I would like to share. I will try to implement as much euphenism as I can.
This school had started to taken a massive downfall when covid struck. Whilst this was understandable, they had already started the construction of a new building in late 2019. I believe this was a good move for the school, although I would prefer minor portions of the school’s annual budget to be spent on other aspects of the school which required fixing up such as the actual education department.
Education: the heart of a school is something that needs to be taken seriously. St Simons at best, was not the most competitive school in my opinion. By grade 5, we were still learning simple single digit multiplication, barely reaching double digits. Some students had lack of practise which should be enforced at school. Consequently, I would say that the school may be behind in terms of education. Compared to other students I have seen in other schools, their education is more thorough, developed and seeing other school’s homework through family friends etc. They certainly are more advanced than St Simons. To put it in simple St Simons is behind in their education department. There needs to be more focused on the gifted, ones requiring assistance but in general the whole scope of things. I feel that students are barely improving year by year due to a lack of new knowledge. Rather they are barely enforcing old knowledge. I felt this as one of my key contributions to my mishaps in 2019-2020. It is simply that the education was not embraced, rather drilled into the students head. At an initial glance, the school does have flourishing facilities but the harsh truth is, have we maximised it to its full use?
Another aspect of the school I would want to talk about would also correlate to my point of lack of education. Particularly in oppurtinities, such as music. Other schools such as Good Sheperd have a strong music department which produces adequate musicians for their age. Whilst St Simons only offered piano and guitar lessons. The music teacher at this school is great and experienced. However I think an improvement in this area would be irrefutable in a gradual growth in reputation. Music is actually something that is good for the brain and would also compensate the school with small profits.
Furthermore, the school has had to remove many of its services and programs. Such as clubs and notably chess club. Something the school should encourage more. Chess, similar to music is quite benificial for the brain and should be encouraged.
Finally on the topic of education, the school should enforce different learning strategies, styles of work and methods which will result in better outcomes.
I would also like to touch the fact on that the school’s canteen had closed down for 2 and a half years. This was quite
Finally I believe the head departments of the school must re approach certian factors, as well as ways to shape the school even better.
My experience at St SImons had been quite enjoyable. I had formed many strong bonds and friendships at the school. While the school lacked education compared to other schools, I would not call this school a bad school. It is to put it: Good. But more rather, it does actually offer a good experience while still introducing practises in Catholicism. Whilst many acts done by the teachers could be considered ‘questionable’ I had liked my time here, and returning to the school for possibily its Fete would be nostaligic.
I was always left out even though I tried to be involved, and most of the teachers I had struggled with doing maths that some of the kids had to help the teachers.
The events, excursions and camps were okay, but none of those could make up to the horrible 6 years I had at this primary school. The kids are incredibly mean and troublesome, and some of the teachers were incredibly rude and scary to little kids.
There’s no way you’ll know if your child would be prone to bullying, but if you only want a school for the education, then St Simons is an alright choice. Just be mindful of what happens with your kid because they might be suffering without you knowing.
Update, It’s not a bad school, nor a great one, the teachers are efficient at their job. I enjoyed my time at this school, you will probably too, the car park though is a merciless battle field to park in, don’t even try.