About Strathfield Girls High School
Strathfield Girls High School ( Girls’ high school ) is located at 116 Albert Rd, Strathfield NSW 2135, Australia.
Other categories: Girls’ high school, High school, Public educational institution
Ratings & Ranking
Strathfield Girls High School has a rating of 2.8 and is ranked number 530 in Strathfield.
- Academic Excellence:
- School Culture & Environment:
- Extracurricular Activities:
- Facilities & Resources:
- Parent & Community Engagement:
Overall Score
Address & Location
Strathfield Girls High School is located at 116 Albert Rd, Strathfield NSW 2135, Australia.
Schools Fees
The annual school fees for Strathfield Girls High School in Strathfield will be updated shortly. For guidance, the annual public schools range between AUD $2000 and AUD $5000 per year while the fees in Catholic and independent (or ‘private’) schools range between AUD $4000 to AUD $20,000 per annum. Established private schools charge upwards of AUD $20,000+ per annum.
No vacancies found at the moment.
Admissions are currently open at Strathfield Girls High School.
Parents & Students Reviews:
Strathfield Girls High School has 86 reviews with an overall rating of 2.8. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.
do not send your kids here ever.
Some parents believe that the school can magically make children succeed when their children are failing. As a concern of one of the reviews I read, her child was allegedly ‘forced’ to go to TAFE when their grades were failing. There comes a point where no matter how hard you push your child their grades won’t improve, and sometimes giving them extra help doing something that isn’t a school taught subject is the best option.
The teachers at this school are amazing, obviously some better and some worse than others, but for some reason every parent believes their daughter DESERVES to have the best of the best. People forget teachers are still people too, but they aren’t meant to baby your kids. It’s high school, and your daughters can’t stay pretty princesses forever, but they also can’t do dumb stuff like vape and break rules and not expect consequences. Teachers here stay back hours and hours a week to help students with their work in the library. Specifically I would like to commend the science teacher who practically lives in the library and the english teacher who responds to the emails of students within a 24-48 hour time frame. There comes a point where the students have to put in their own effort, and put in the work. If they can’t, then they’ll have to accept the alternative pathways they must take to achieve their dream.
The counselor here is also quite good, depending on what you’re looking for you might like one better than the other, but they do allow your daughter to have a moment to themselves when they need it. I don’t understand how parents want their kids to visit them and expect their mental issues to magically disappear.
This school has many opportunities for the students, and I wish more young women would be more motivated to ACTUALLY DO THEM. The school has the opportunities there, but it’s sad that kids nowadays aren’t dedicated enough to actually do them.