The Academy at Lincoln, Greensboro | Fees, Rankings, Address, Admission, Vacancies, Reviews & More

The Academy at Lincoln (Public educational institution) is in Greensboro and has a 2.6 rating.

About The Academy at Lincoln

The Academy at Lincoln ( Public educational institution ) is located at 1016 Lincoln St, Greensboro, NC 27401, United States. It is categorised as : .
Other categories: Public educational institution, School

Ratings & Ranking

The Academy at Lincoln has a rating of 2.6 and is ranked number 6271 in the US.

  • Academic Excellence:
  • School Culture & Environment:
  • Extracurricular Activities:
  • Facilities & Resources:
  • Parent & Community Engagement:


Overall Score

Address & Location

The Academy at Lincoln is located at 1016 Lincoln St, Greensboro, NC 27401, United States.

Schools Fees

Given that it is categorised as , the school fees for The Academy at Lincoln range between 35,800 USD and 48,800 USD.


No vacancies found at the moment.


Admissions are currently open at The Academy at Lincoln.

The Academy at Lincoln Proximity Zone:

The map below illustrates the average distance between The Academy at Lincoln and student residential areas.

Parents & Students Reviews:

The Academy at Lincoln has 62 reviews with an overall rating of 2.6. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.

Overall Rating : 2.6 out of 5.0 stars
this school is bad. some people are cool. only 1 or 2 people per GRADE get dress coded, although people could be wearing things similar, or even worse. they need to fix the dress code. girls can hardly buy shorts that won’t look hideous on them, and putting a dress code on things like the 4-inch rule (which makes sense until you get dress coded for shorts that go down to your knees) just make people think of wearing these things as bad, which places more insecurities and destroys self confidence. of course, people could just buy those ugly bermuda shorts that they wore when they were 5, and looked like dora, but this school also struggles with many bullying problems. i get that the principal/vice principals probably get bullying complaints on the daily, but pulling them out of a class for a day won’t change anything. it seems as though the dress code is more of a priority than bullying issues, which is unreasonable. also, non-vs and vs children should be more exposed to each other. some bullies start bullying because they think people try to be superior because of their education, which is, again, another struggle with causing insecurities. this school also has terrible smells and is very dirty. many improvements needed. it wouldnt let me post with 0 stars, but i wouldve. dont go here. the only good thing is SOME students, and the things being taught. 75% of the teachers are terrible, though, making it impossible for things that should be easily understood IMPOSSIBLE to understand. another source of bullying. also, its not fair that a student cant take certain encores because children are being prioritized, and even if the children are not the reason why others cant take the class, there should still be clubs or others ways for everyone to be involved. also, school productions are pretty good, and most encore teachers are nice. the employees who deserve the most respect (as a whole) are the encore teachers, janitors, and cafeteria ladies/gentlemen, who tend to get the least respect. stay away, this school is a mess.
also, these crazy teachers seem to like us at times, but THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND THAT WE ARE KIDS. YOU PEOPLE NEED TO LEARN THAT EVEN IF WE ARE ADVANCED OR VSN OR STUFF LIKE THAT, WE ARE STILL KIDS! i know you want to push us to be our best, but having to stay up until 4 am every night trying to finish homework isnt setting us up for success! i think teachers dont realize how much they are putting on us. some teachers are young, so may have just got out of college, so they need to start separating the idea of how they were being taught from how we should be. other teachers used to be high school, or even college TEACHERS. they think they were good teachers then, so they teach similarly… we dont need that! we are regular kids, and although a lot of us will put in the work to get good grades, that amount of work shouldn’t involve staying up past 4 am every night, and the teachers need to realize that even if we are getting decent grades, that doesnt mean theres no struggle.
I’ll be real I went to Lincoln from 4th-8th grade at the vs program although it wasn’t the best 5 years of my life they certainly were memorable for the most part the thing that made the school good were friends and teachers. The building is falling apart bathrooms never clean classrooms not given the adequate resources and teachers not Given a proper environment to teach. There is a toxic separation between the 5 programs that breeds disingenuous feelings towards each other they’re although most of the teachers from my elementary years that I have fond memory’s of left so that’s something to note. overall it’s meh


I’ve been here for 3 years. 6th grade was okay but in 7th grade the teachers always compared the advanced students to the vs. 8th grade was really just a mess. they moved vs into another building because the parents wanted them away from the advanced and the away from the regular kids. the principal caters to the vs kid and ignores the rest. there is a bullying problem at this school as well but the only thing they do is send the bully out for a couple of days. it seems like they care about dress code more than bullying ( mind you only 2-3 kids get dress coded per quarter if that much)

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