About The Westport School
The Westport School ( Preschool ) is located at 1915 Ross Ave, St. Louis, MO 63146, United States. It is categorised as : .
Other categories: Preschool, Day care center, Summer camp
Ratings & Ranking
The Westport School has a rating of 4 and is ranked number 14051 in the US.
- Academic Excellence:
Rated 3 out of 5
- School Culture & Environment:
Rated 3 out of 5
- Extracurricular Activities:
Rated 3 out of 5
- Facilities & Resources:
Rated 3 out of 5
- Parent & Community Engagement:
Rated 3 out of 5
Rated 4 out of 5
Overall Score
Address & Location
The Westport School is located at 1915 Ross Ave, St. Louis, MO 63146, United States.
Schools Fees
Given that it is categorised as , the school fees for The Westport School range between 46,500 USD and 57,000 USD.
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Admissions are currently open at The Westport School.
The Westport School Proximity Zone:
The map below illustrates the average distance between The Westport School and student residential areas.
Parents & Students Reviews:
The Westport School has 23 reviews with an overall rating of 4. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.
Overall Rating : 4.0 out of 5.0 stars4.0
My 12 year old daughter has attended school here since she was very young. As a mother I struggled putting my child in a daycare because I intended to be a stay at home mom. Things didn’t go as planned and with no family in the state, I had no choice. Since day one Westport School (Miss Donna, Miss Trish and Miss Suzanne) have always been sweet, kind, understanding, accommodating and supportive. They quickly gained my confidence and trust. Another thing I love is that the majority of the teachers have been there since my daughter started and treat my daughter like family. Once my daughter started getting older I enrolled her at the YMCA during the summer because I thought maybe it would be more fitting for her age. She begged me to let her go back to Westport School because at the YMCA she said “they let the kids run crazy, and everyone is just a number. I want to be with people who know and respect me”. That blew me away. They make my child feel loved AND respected. Now she can’t wait for summer time to go hang out and go on field trips with her friends and Miss Donna! Miss Suzanne, the director, is great and runs a tight ship. These people are awesome!
My daughter has been attending this daycare since she was a little over one year old. She is now almost 4 years old. It has been a great safe, fun and educational environment for her. Kriss, Jen, Trish, Melissa, Leah, Terri, Carrie are great with the kids, my daughter was able to get into a good routine (snacks in the morning then lunch then nap time). Here the children are encouraged to be independent and learn to feed themselves; my daughter was able to feed herself soon after she turned two years old and get potty trained by 2.5 yrs. She also learned to play well with other children and “take turns”-something that most toddlers have a hard time doing.
I also enjoyed receiving pictures of my daughter that teachers took during their activity and party times. Teachers keep their kids entertained and happy! Susan and Jim were good in management and were able take care of our request whenever we asked for it. Overall I’m very glad that my daughter was surrounded by love and was brought up in such a positive and fun environment.
Thank you Westport School. We will miss this place!!
DO NOT TAKE YOUR KIDS TO The Westport School. They will KICK YOUR TODDLER out of the school because they dont have enough QUALIFIED teachers who can handle kids or teach them discipline! THE TEACHERS and staff will let kids bite, kick, punch and beat eachother up and try to handle that by GENTLE PARENTING. theyll keep a record of these incidents to use AGAINST you and your child but will only NOTIFY you about a couple things that happened, NOT ALL incidents. ALSO, theyll only give you an 8 DAY notice before they just KICK YOUR child out, 8 days to figure it out and just LEAVE you hanging with no childcare after paying almost $4K to them over the year. WHEN you try to discuss this with them, they TELL YOU TO TAKE YOUR CHILD TO THERAPY and that they hope the child will change in the future ?? They will leave your kids running around SNOTTY, never wiping their noses, DIRT and sticks will be in their hair, clothes, etc when you pick them up! JUST A PSA. Thanks ??
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