About Valley Waldorf City School
Valley Waldorf City School ( Waldorf school ) is located at 17424 Sherman Way, Van Nuys, CA 91406, United States. It is categorised as : Waldorf private school.
Other categories: Waldorf school, Elementary school, Middle school, Non-profit organization, Preschool, Private educational institution, Waldorf kindergarten
Ratings & Ranking
Valley Waldorf City School has a rating of 5 and is ranked number 25673 in the US.
- Academic Excellence:
- School Culture & Environment:
- Extracurricular Activities:
- Facilities & Resources:
- Parent & Community Engagement:
Overall Score
Address & Location
Valley Waldorf City School is located at 17424 Sherman Way, Van Nuys, CA 91406, United States.
Schools Fees
Given that it is categorised as Waldorf private school, the school fees for Valley Waldorf City School range between 24,000 USD and 35,000 USD.
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Admissions are currently open at Valley Waldorf City School.
Valley Waldorf City School Proximity Zone:
The map below illustrates the average distance between residential areas and Valley Waldorf City School.
Parents & Students Reviews:
Valley Waldorf City School has 11 reviews with an overall rating of 5. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.
The Waldorf education philosophy was rather new to me, but seeing how my granddaughter has been developing in preschool, I have become a firm believer.
I love the fact that Waldorfs emphasis is not on how much technology, reading capability or math the child can learn in preschool, but how well the child can develop their imagination and thinking capabilities. Her imagination skills are constantly developing and when we have a play date she chooses the games and they are always filled with a vivid imagination and a love of nature.
Her preschool teacher is wonderful and I have seen firsthand the care and interest she shows towards developing these qualities in every child.
I also appreciate Waldorfs strong music program. My granddaughter is always singing the songs she learns in school and is looking forward to learning how to play an instrument.
Waldorf also teaches the children how to interact with their playmates, teachers and other adults. I had an opportunity to witness my granddaughter respond to a rather harsh comment with respect, grace and a sweetness way beyond her age.
Waldorf discourages electronics for these little ones and for that I am very grateful. I firmly believe in Waldorfs concept that children who learn to think not only outside the box but way beyond it will be able as adults to make extraordinary contributions to society and to solving our worlds problems. It is very exciting to watch my granddaughter grow and develop under such a great philosophy.
I too have read the false, misleading and slanderous review below by the anonymous and disgruntled individual. I will say to anyone considering this school for their children: you should take a school tour, attend an open house, or even better attend one of the many community school events held throughout the year. While doing so, speak to any of the parents with children enrolled; I guarantee you will find similar sentiments to ones I have listed here.