Veterans Memorial High School, Corpus Christi | Fees, Rankings, Address, Admission, Vacancies, Reviews & More

Veterans Memorial High School (High school) is in Corpus Christi and has a 4.2 rating.

About Veterans Memorial High School

Veterans Memorial High School ( High school ) is located at 3750 Cimarron Blvd, Corpus Christi, TX 78414, United States. It is categorised as : Public high school in Texas..
Other categories: High school

Ratings & Ranking

Veterans Memorial High School has a rating of 4.2 and is ranked number 10531 in the US.

  • Academic Excellence:
  • School Culture & Environment:
  • Extracurricular Activities:
  • Facilities & Resources:
  • Parent & Community Engagement:


Overall Score

Address & Location

Veterans Memorial High School is located at 3750 Cimarron Blvd, Corpus Christi, TX 78414, United States.

Schools Fees

Given that it is categorised as Public high school in Texas., the school fees for Veterans Memorial High School range between 0 USD and 0 USD.


No vacancies found at the moment.


Admissions are currently open at Veterans Memorial High School.

Veterans Memorial High School Proximity Zone:

The map below illustrates the average distance between Veterans Memorial High School and student residential areas.

Parents & Students Reviews:

Veterans Memorial High School has 27 reviews with an overall rating of 4.2. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.

Overall Rating : 4.2 out of 5.0 stars
Off my experiences and of the number of friends I’ve had at this school I’d have to say we all agree on a number of things: This school has a number of drug abuse problems with students ranging drastically(freshmen to seniors use); (some of)the staff themselves work very hard and are dedicated to making things easier on students who are trying to work hard themselves through their high-school experience to get to a good college, but of course there are those that just do not care. Some of the staff include students themselves and those students, such as the few in the front office, do not care and do nothing but look at their phones and talk about boy-girl drama with each other, paying no attention to those in front of them(including parents and some teachers); few but some adult staff teacher do not seem to mind the class at all. What I mean by this is that they just notice the number on their computer and not any means to teaching the class itself and instead let the class figure what something means from YouTube in class or slides premade by another teacher or online source, the worst example of this I’ve seen being (coach) Mrs. Hargis with little to no effort towards a class and instead being more focused on her swim team and extra credit for supporting them(financially) through certain restaurants and receipts. In my opinion as well as others that kind of priority structure is destructive to students and their learning experience.
The staff directly of course seem to help but other than the few there seem to be many that just clock in and clock out with little to no interest in much and bicker with each other and talk about things unrelated to school when needed. I myself have experienced a number of times the same reoccurring example of going to the corner offices where councilors tend to be with an important case or something that a teacher or staff member has sent me for and the staff will just ignore me and instead talk with each other about a photo on one of their computers or a football game the day before. All of this while acknowledging me enough to let me know they are not going to acknowledge me.
Of course, with the cons come the pros. There may be some issues with the school(more than I could describe in a single paragraph) but there are still those teachers and staff members that are best for anyone such as councilor Mr. Davis who, as well as being the most helpful I’ve seen a faculty or staff member being, has dedicated nearly all his down time to students constantly making room in his tight schedule for whoever needs a moment of time to resolve any number of issues inside of school. without a doubt in my mind I would recommend him as a go to for any help needed(of course councilors are assigned). Yet the most interesting and helpful teacher staff being Dr.Dryden having the best example I myself and others have ever seen. I can’t say I would ever pick another teacher to help with my studies. He is straight forward and well educated man that can get his teachings across in a manner that just clicks with students as well as more fundamentals to his classroom such as chair arrangements. what I mean by this is his transforming of sharing the class room as an audience towards his teaching he makes the front of the classroom itself a stage for his teaching separating the students(audience) from himself and his teaching(stage).
All having been said this school does have the few useful and those that are helpful but is not a place I think I would ever send a child of my own to. The pros and the cons are few helpful teachers and staff to the many inconsiderate teachers and staff, respectively.
Not horrible, but needs a lot of fixing. Mind if I tell you guys how they do safety here? They are announcing fire drills now a week before hand, saying the day it’s going to happen. That, is like making the plan for a school shooter. It doesn’t matter if we “spread out” we are still in a small place all together. Also the doors near the stairs need windows, please. I see kids getting almost slammed all the time by them, and I almost myself. This place is also not very fun going to be honest, I am pretty depressed here. The staff is also very unorganized, and don’t plan things well at all, don’t act that well either. I don’t recommend this school that much for now.

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