About Winston Preparatory School- Long Island
Winston Preparatory School- Long Island ( Special education school ) is located at 30 Deforest Rd, Dix Hills, NY 11746, United States. It is categorised as : Private preparatory school.
Other categories: Special education school, High school, Middle school, Private educational institution
Ratings & Ranking
Winston Preparatory School- Long Island has a rating of 5 and is ranked number 48610 in the US.
- Academic Excellence:
- School Culture & Environment:
- Extracurricular Activities:
- Facilities & Resources:
- Parent & Community Engagement:
Overall Score
Address & Location
Winston Preparatory School- Long Island is located at 30 Deforest Rd, Dix Hills, NY 11746, United States.
Schools Fees
Given that it is categorised as Private preparatory school, the school fees for Winston Preparatory School- Long Island range between 43,500 USD and 56,000 USD.
No vacancies found at the moment.
Admissions are currently open at Winston Preparatory School- Long Island.
Winston Preparatory School- Long Island Proximity Zone:
The map below illustrates the average distance between Winston Preparatory School- Long Island and student residential areas.
Parents & Students Reviews:
Winston Preparatory School- Long Island has 4 reviews with an overall rating of 5. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.
What drew us to Winston when we first made the decision to enroll him has fully proven to be the case:
– Their small class sizes and lots of individual attention would be beneficial The powerful impact of this for any child, but especially one that may be struggling, cannot be overstated. Most of his classes are a total of 4 students, all with fairly similar learning challenges (which allows the teacher to tailor his or her approach), and the daily one-on-one Focus class is priceless.
– Staff passionate about their mission Every single teacher and administrative person believes wholeheartedly in what the school is doing, cares at a very person level about each and every student and shows tireless dedication to making the students and the school a success.
– Close coordination among a teaching team and the parents The teamwork and coordination really amplifies the impact of these great people. We get at least weekly (and often more frequent) postings from our sons focus teacher which speak about what is going on across all of his classes, what is going well and where he is struggling. It comes across very clearly that the teachers discuss as a team each and every student on specific basis, brainstorm as to how to give him or her the best chance of success and how to work with the family to re-enforce those efforts. The feedback loop that results is incredibly effective (and unbelievably comforting to parents anxious about their childs challenges).
– Creativity Perhaps what impressed us most in learning about Winston, and continues to wow us again and again, is the creativity the staff brings to bear in creating effective learning opportunities. Without the constraints of a state mandated curriculum, they can and do modify things to make it work for the students. In some cases that is as simple as picking the right books that will actually engage the students. In other cases it involves things like bringing in actors for the students to direct in performing monologues they have written to powerfully teach things like self-reflection.
– An established, and heavily / constantly researched approach to teaching While we love and appreciate the creativity, it is also critical to understand that it isnt just creative teachers making it up from scratch. Their efforts revolve around a core of key principals / objectives / approaches that Winston has developed over many years and that they re-enforce and improve upon through hard research (through the Winston Innovation Lab).
This combination of:
1) staff with the capacity to provide a highly individualized approach;
2) in an environment which allows them the flexibility to creatively address the challenges that these students face;
3) as part of a highly coordinated team;
4) with the support of a proven, researched and constantly improving formula for developing Sustainable and Independent Learners
is truly unbeatable and unbelievably powerful.
We could not be bigger fans and supporters of Winston Prep.